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Leaving The Smart Company

October 30, 2018

Effective immediately (30.10.2018) I am leaving The Smart Company AS and I have re-distributed my shares.

It’s almost unreal to think that it’s close to nine years since I started this project. Smart Mobile Studio continues to be a technology I am passionate about, and I must admit this is a tough call. It has taken me months to arrive at this decision, but I sadly see no other alternative given the circumstances.

In retrospect, we probably released the technology too early. I see more and more Delphi and C++ builder developers waking up to JavaScript and what web technology can do in the right hands. In other words, they are now where I was nine years ago.

When it comes to reasons there is not really much to say. There have been a few internal issues that were unfortunate, but for me this boils down to time, money and vision. Not really anything juicy to share, im simply not interested in being a partner under the terms the board currently operates with, not because I don’t believe in the product, but because I find the modus operandi counter productive.

Having said that, I am thankful for the journey and everything I have learned, and wish the team all the best for the future.

Smart Mobile Studio lives on

Even though I’m leaving the company and am re-distributed my stock, the product will continue without me. I still use and will continue to use Smart Mobile Studio in my work. But I no longer represent the company, nor will I be involved in further development. So my role as head of research and development is over.


My new compiler core and web IDE is written in Smart Pascal

There is a time and place for all things, and while it breaks my heart to hand Smart Mobile Studio over to a future without me; my time right now is better spent at Embarcadero – working to promote and deliver the language I love above all else; namely Delphi.

Besides Embarcadero I do consulting and occasional training sessions. I have also taken on responsibilities connected with my Patreon project. So I have more than enough to keep me occupied, both at Embarcadero and personally.

But this is not a clean cut. There is no animosity involved. I will continue to use Smart Mobile Studio to build cool stuff. I will publish articles on things I make and continue to evolve the QTX Framework (which has been dormant for two years now).


Jon L. Aasenden