
Archive for July, 2016

Want to work on Smart Mobile Studio?

July 25, 2016 5 comments

When in Greece! Great people, great place and fantastic beer!

Its still holiday mode in Norway so blog posting is not high on the list compared to bathing, playing with my kids and spending time with family and friends. But I figured it is time for some news!

Gearing up for the next big push, the Smart Pascal consortium is looking for people interested in working on Smart Mobile Studio.

For those that doesnt know, Smart Mobile Studio have had a team of five people. Most of us have been working on it out of passion, with whatever money is generated being pushed back into hosting, project management and dependencies. Any payment have come in the form of bonuses. This is the only way to realize a product without an investor (with the alternative being kickstarter) – but this is about to change!

In short:  we have room for 2-3 individuals who find it interesting to work on the platform. And to underline: those that contribute will also share the benefits!

What we can offer is a unique learning experience into writing high-tech programming environments, compiler tech and much much more! And like already mentioned: those that work on it get to enjoy the fruits.

We all have full time jobs elsewhere. Smart Mobile Studio is built by people who love object pascal. And we have established a proper stock based company on that.

I am also very happy to see Glenn Dufke joining our team. So welcome Glenn – cool to finally have you in our hit-squad of die-hard spartans 🙂

Fall update

The next “happening” regarding Smart Mobile Studio is the fall update of the RTL, which is followed by a closer relationship between the RTL and IDE. Features like Actions requires alterations to the IDE – and we need to get started on a standard for property editors.

There are a few surprises that I cant divulge now. That is private for the members of the team — but if you find SMS to be interesting and want to dig into it with the rest of us, why not get in touch?

Well, still a few days left of summer – so enjoy, and I hope to be hearing from you soon! Use the email on the website to get in touch.