
Archive for February, 2015

Binary data, taking JavaScript to the next step with Smart Mobile Studio

February 27, 2015 2 comments
Buffers, stuffers and coffers

Buffers, stuffers and coffers

I guess the cat is out of the bag, an update to Smart Mobile Studio is immanent. To avoid people making stuff up based on rumors over at delphideveloper, I figured I would explain about the binary buffers and streams which will be introduced shortly. That way people can stop making up stuff and focus on what is really in the pipeline.

As you all probably know, JavaScript is not “native” friendly. Concepts like bytes, bits, memory access and even raw file access is utterly alien to JavaScript (in normal browser mode, nodeJS or custom IE scripts is another thing). If you want to work with data or chewing files in some form, you better be prepared for some off-the-wall string decoding.

In short: This way of working has bugged me so much that I decided to fix this once and for all, and in the next update of SMS you will be pleased to find TW3MemoryBuffer with accompanied streams.

Note: W3Buffers.pas is already in smart mobile studio, but that only provides the bare-bones and no transcoding or “byte” datatype. But SMS already has good support for the native JS framework.

The memory buffer is ultimately a wrapper around a typed array, in this case a UInt8Array (array of bytes). To make it as speedy as possible I have littered every move and copy operation with loop-expansion, handling 8-by-8 items per loop as opposed to a meager for/next solution. This makes moving data around as fast as it get’s under JS without resorting to C#/C++ extensions. We want our code to be pure, 100% HTML5, browser compliant JavaScript.

Also it supports grow and shrink methods that retain data (this is not supported by JS out of the box, it’s implemented by my classes), with all the bells and whistles you could want for: move(), copy(), clone(), read(), move data between buffers, copy from pixel-buffers .. the works!

If you are pondering what loop expansion is, and why it makes things faster, here is an example:

function TW3MemoryBuffer.ToRaw:THandle;
  x:  Integer;
  mLen: Integer;
  mLongs: Integer;
  if mLen>0 then
      @result = new Uint8Array(@mLen);
    if (result) then
      mLongs:=mLen shr 3;
      while mLongs>0 do

      case mLen mod 8 of
      1:  begin
      2:  begin
      3:  begin
      4:  begin
      5:  begin
      6:  begin
      7:  begin


As you can see from the code above, we process 8 bytes per loop and finish off the reminder with a fast case-switch. This makes moving data very fast. We could also expand it further by processing 16 items per loop — but odds are such a high volume would actually degrade the speed on smaller data-chunks, so 8 is a good number for less than 2MB buffers.


The benefit of all this is that you can now load in a binary file, read bytes, integers, booleans, floats or whatnot – just like you would under Delphi. It also means that input data is no longer limited to JSON format, so if you have a custom database engine which works with streams – chances are it will compile and run under Smart Pascal with little modification.

It also gives us a uniform way of transporting data between objects. As you probably know components like TW3Image, which is a container host for a pixel-buffer, supports “fromDataUrl”, which allows it to process and display graphics moved from TW3Canvas (toDataUrl method). Well TW3Image has been given a host of new properties and methods, including importing and exporting content to both buffer and stream (as well as a few others).

The same will go for TW3Dataset which is introduced shortly. A class which represents an in-memory dataset you can use when talking to DataSnap, REST services or Remobjects servers.

I hope that clears up any intrigue, rumor etc.

As for the rest of the update — well, it’s going to be pretty awesome! The above is just one single point on a very long list of extension and fixes! You will never look at HTML5 control writing quite the same again, so hang on tight for more news in due time.

And yes, the QTX Library is being merged into the RTL — which means chainable effects on every visible element is now possible. Imagine how cool your custom controls will become, when you can slide, fade and move things about in response to user-input?

Well, stay cool – it’s coming along nicely!

Delphi clone object

February 20, 2015 Leave a comment

This is a nice piece of code I found over at Delphi Haven (Chris Rollingston). I have cleaned it up a bit, moved it out of its record type placeholder, and now use it in a baseclass in my toolbox.

The clones are coming!

The clones are coming!

Why cloning?

Cloning is something which is very hard to do under Delphi. Other languages like .Net and Java enjoy this en-mass, but it goes without saying that under a virtual language (bytecodes) the assembly information is fairly well evolved compared to a native language. Thankfully, Delphi’s RTTI is getting better and better so we are almost there.

I must have seen hundreds of “deep copy” cloning variations over the years, but this is actually the first one that in my experience is good enough to get the job done. It goes without saying that I’m sure you can compose some class which wont clone perfectly, recursive properties are especially problematic and also nested components or controls. But for plain classes in a hierarchy it works brilliantly and makes my programming life easier.

Note: Just ignore the class structure, just copy the Clone() method to your own class.

  TMSPersistent = Class(TMSObject,ISerializable)
  strict protected
    (* ISerializable *)
    function  GetObjectData:TMSSerializationInfo;virtual;
    function Clone(const Parameters:Array of TValue): T;

function TMSPersistent.Clone(const Parameters:Array of TValue): T;
  Context: TRttiContext;
  IsComponent, LookOutForNameProp: Boolean;
  RttiType: TRttiType;
  Method: TRttiMethod;
  MinVisibility: TMemberVisibility;
  Params: TArray;
  Prop: TRttiProperty;
  SourceAsPointer, ResultAsPointer: Pointer;
  RttiType := Context.GetType(self.ClassType);

  isComponent := self.InheritsFrom(TComponent);
  for Method in RttiType.GetMethods do
    if Method.IsConstructor then
      Params := Method.GetParameters;
      if Params = nil then Break;
      if (Length(Params) = 1)
      and IsComponent
      and (Params[0].ParamType is TRttiInstanceType)
      and SameText(Method.Name, 'Create') then

  if Method<>NIL then
  Result := Method.Invoke(self.ClassType, Parameters).AsType else
  Raise Exception.Create('No constructor found error');

    if self.InheritsFrom(TControl) then
    TControl(Result).Parent := TControl(self).Parent;

    Move(self, SourceAsPointer, SizeOf(Pointer));
    Move(Result, ResultAsPointer, SizeOf(Pointer));
    LookOutForNameProp := IsComponent and (TComponent(self).Owner <> nil);
    if IsComponent then
    MinVisibility := mvPublished  else
    MinVisibility := mvPublic;

    for Prop in RttiType.GetProperties do
      if  (Prop.Visibility >= MinVisibility)
      and Prop.IsReadable and Prop.IsWritable then
        if LookOutForNameProp and (Prop.Name = 'Name')
        and (Prop.PropertyType is TRttiStringType) then
        LookOutForNameProp := False else
        Prop.SetValue(ResultAsPointer, Prop.GetValue(SourceAsPointer));

Using the method

The method allows you to clone any object, and you can also provide parameters for the constructor (if any). It works like this:


//Inherit from an object which has the clone method
TMyClass = Class(TMSPersistent)
  FText:  String;
  Property  Text:String read FText write FText;

Procedure TForm1.Button1Click(sender:TObject);
  first, second:TMyClass;
  First.Text:='This is the first object';


In the above code we simply ship in the parameters as an empty array []. This is because TMyClass doesnt have any parameters for it’s constructor.
Had it been a TComponent you would have done something like this:


Compiling to .net with Smart Mobile Studio

February 19, 2015 3 comments

You are probably thinking this is too good to be true, but it’s not. In fact, I have a working prototype already (although it needs a hell of a lot of work). But since people seem to think this is either a blatant lie, or that I’m doing black magic to get this working, I’m going to explain how I do it!

In fact, I have provided links to all the parts you need on this post, so you can download, compile and play around with the tech yourself. But first, some context 🙂

Smart Mobile Studio has a kick-ass compiler. This compiler takes object pascal, parses, tokenizes it and turns it into an AST (abstract symbol tree, where every command, variable, statement etc. is turned into an object in memory). This AST is then analysed by a code-generator (codegen) which turns the AST into JavaScript.

Since Smart Mobile Studio has been in sale for a couple of years I don’t think I need to explain or prove that point as well.



But .net is a completely different beast. But only when you are looking at .net from the outside. I am also a C# developer so I also look at Delphi and Smart from inside C#.

In short: The .net framework has one huge advantage over native languages, and that is something called reflection. Reflection is not just RTTI, like some people have voiced. It’s also the ability to hot-swap code modules in a living program, because bytecodes are just that – byte codes. Since .net is a “virtual language” you can do all sorts of cool stuff with it, like changing a program at runtime.

But the one feature that sets .net apart from Java, which works pretty much along the same lines, is the ability to also emit code. Thats right, you can take a class and emit it to disk from you program. But it doesn’t stop there.

You can also compile new code from within your own program, by building something called expression-trees. This is pretty much what all compilers does (including smart mobile studio), because an expression-tree is a fancy way of saying “AST”.

So you can programmatically build up a full expression tree from within your C# program.

Any bells ring yet?

He he. What you do is of-course to construct an expression-tree and then use the emitter to dump that as an assembly, and voila — you have in fact generated a separate, self-sustaining assembly! It’s a bit more complex than that, but essentially that’s how you do it.

The other kids are doing it

Some guy picked up this years ago and he decided to build a JavaScript compiler. So he built a full JavaScript compiler which parses, tokenizes and does everything a compiler should – and generates an expression-tree — and voila, he emits the code to disk and what you get is a compiled, fully working MS-CIL generated assembly (read: a DLL file that can be executed or used in your .NET projects).

Compiles without much mayhem on my mac

Compiles without much mayhem on my mac

When you load in this assembly into Visual Studio, you will find that all the function names are exported as symbols, so you can happily call your now compiled JavaScript code from C# or Visual Basic.

Pretty cool right? The speed benefits alone are phenomenal, because the assembly is compiled to highly optimized machine code when it’s loaded the first time.

What about Smart Mobile Studio?

Since Smart Mobile Studio generates JavaScript, and Jurassic generates CIL from JavaScript — I guess I don’t need to tell you where this is heading, or that in fact it’s possible to achieve.

In fact, if you don’t believe me, clone out your own GIT version of Jurassic, load up Visual Studio (Visual Studio 2013 Community edition is free) and play around with the code yourself.

Will this become a part of Smart Mobile Studio?

Time will tell. We have more than enough work on our plates to start throwing .net into the mix right now, but I do find the route interesting. It would represent a much better way than the one Borland started ages ago, since the Smart Pascal dialect would be 100% retained. We have already gotten rid of pointers, so Smart Pascal is perfectly suited for the .net framework. You wouldn’t even need to think about .net, just write ordinary Smart Pascal.

Why should this be cool?

It opens up XBOX development first and foremost, followed by native Mono and Desktop development. This means you can write games that targets both HTML5, Mobile and XBOX with the same codebase. That should make developers happy I think.

And then there is to think about. Thats probably one of the most important technologies in my view.

Well — fun thing to play with!

Smart Mobile Studio does Oculus Rift VR

February 16, 2015 4 comments

Well this is going to be fun! My boss came into my office today and gave me a strange box, saying “you like stuff like this right? Take it home and enjoy”. So now I have my nerdy hands on the Oculus. So you can probably guess what I’ll be doing the next couple of weeks? Thats right, OpenGL with Smart Mobile Studio!

Oh look! Such a cool box!

Oh look! Such a cool box!


Looks like Darth Vader's "home" experience

Looks like Darth Vader’s “home” experience


In defense of Peter Molyneux and the so-called Godus scandal

February 15, 2015 5 comments

If you don’t know about Peter Molyneux, his background or what has happened lately, this post might seem odd. He most certainly doesn’t use Delphi or Smart Mobile Studio (as far as I know), so what exactly does Peter Molyneux have to do with my blog? Well, as an old Amiga developer the name Peter Molyneux is practically a household name where I come from.

To make a long story short, Peter Molyneux is a game developer. He started back in the 90’s with Bullfrog Software, knocking out games like Populous for the 16 bit Amiga and Atari computers. In fact, he is probably one of the most successful software developers in Europe, and his story is one that every developer, no matter what language you prefer, can learn from. Both the good parts and the negative bits (which for the past 18 months has been blown utterly out of proportions).

The past 20 years so so has been full of change for Peter. Bullfrog software was sold, and he went on to become a game publisher or architect of sorts rather than “just another recognized coder”. His latest company is called “22 cans”, and for some reason it’s become the target of scandal, slander and near suicidal mongering, demanding Peter’s head on a platter.

Godus, the re-implementation of populous of the 90's

Godus, the re-implementation of populous of the 90’s

To make a long story short:

Peter and his team went on kickstarter to raise money for a game called Godus. It’s really just a re-creation and expansion of the old Populous game – a game where you play a deity for a tribe of people, helping them and controlling their evolution. Or you can just be a complete ass-hat of a god and make their lives a living hell. The novelty of Godus over the now ancient Populous is naturally the wonderful graphics modern computers can muster up, and also the inter-connectivity we expect and enjoy on a daily basis. So the Godus game represents a huge universe where all the tribes and lands, represented by every player, is also connected.

Populous was a smash hit, side by side with Sid Meyer's products

Populous was a smash hit, side by side with Sid Meyer’s products in the 90’s

Sounds like fun? It sure does. You can expect battles, co-operation between tribes and all the mythical mayhem of becoming “the god of gods”. A blasphemy of epic proportions to all religions of the world, but peter has never bothered to much about that.

Read: Rock, Paper Shotgun interview with Monyneux here.
Read: The guardian on Peter and his “failure” here.

The great scandal

But sadly, things havent gone to well for Peter and his crew. It would seem that most of the pledgers are PC and Mac users, so they were quite disappointed when 22 cans released the mobile version first (iPad, iPhone and Android versions).

Peter Molyneux talking about his games at the Develop conference in 2010. Photograph: Develop

Peter Molyneux talking about his games at the Develop conference in 2010. Photograph: Develop

Peter then went ahead and cut down on staff, which in his own words were made up of a lot of young programmers – programmers that wanted to do something else. I can fully understand Peter on this, because it’s no use having programmers that dislike what they do. Sitting month after month coding stuff you ultimately find boring is a recipe for failure.

And what can you do? When someone sends written notification of resignation, you cant kidnap the programmers and force them to work. People come and leave all the time, that’s the truth for all software companies.

Sadly, pledgers regarded this move as a sort of “bailing out” of his promise to deliver the goods (or gods) on Kickstarter. The game is also 12 months over-due, so people immediately believe this has to do with Peter letting the younger programmers out of the project.

To make matters worse, some bloke which won a godus competition, earning the title “god of gods” wrote a heart breaking story of how he was invited to 22-cans offices, got invited out for a pub-crawl, and how Peter didnt really talk that much to him during the evening. I personally dont know what’s wrong with this player — what exactly did you expect? That Peter should have carried you on his shoulders all night? Why would you want to go to a pub with a bunch of coders you dont know anyhow. Why not just pick up the price (the name), get that in writing and go home? I sure as hell wouldnt bother going to their HQ just for a pub round to begin with.

And just when you think it cant get more complex, Peter has come up with another game project which he has allocated resources for. Once again I can completely understand why he did this, because that’s how creative people work. I am usually 2-3 titles behind my current project. So while i’m coding one project, my mind is busy designing the next release or some other piece of software I want to build.

This is no different than say, a painter allocating a day of the week to work on a second painting, even though he is hired to work 5 days on some official piece. There are 7 days a week after all, and what people do with their time is ultimately up to them. But I agree that it looks bad from the consumer point of view, where you are 1 year overdue and you start working on something else.

This last move has infuriated the hundreds of backers, who regard this as utter nonsense. The consensus now seem to be that Peter is a crook who has wasted both their time, trust and money.

Personally I feel that completely cutting Peter’s head off just because he is hyper-creative is a silly way of going about things. At worst it demonstrates the utter lack of understanding regarding software production, creativity and motivation by the raging mass of pledgers. The world of software design and publishing is much more complex than people like to imagine.

Yes, peter should have made a bigger effort to dazzle and impress the public, keeping some key deadlines and stop the silly silent treatment. But we must remember that there are human beings behind all this.

Real life, real code

Peter has been extremely unlucky with this project. And it all has to do with time, rather than cash. Making a good game is something that takes at least 2 years of hard work — and that is the very least amount of time you need to build a polished game. Most games take between 2 – 4 years to produce, and you can expect all manner of problems along the way.

What is unfortunate is that Peter has promised a miracle. Namely to deliver the PC version in six months (!). I can fully understand his thinking, because you should imagine that with a mobile edition already out – that most of the grunt work is done and can be simply imported, adjusted and re-compiled for PC or Mac. But that has turned out to be flawed thinking. A full on PC game (and Mac game) is a completely different ballgame.

Peter should have known this because he has produced and published a wide range of titles over the past 20 years.

Another factor that has turned bad for Peter and his team, is the new environment in which a game is produced. With kickstarter you are in effect nude and open to scrutiny by everyone backing the project. Every little detail or administrative decision is noticed, spread and picked up by people who have absolutely no context to judge weither it was right or wrong. This is not the case when producing a closed title. Peter is used to producing closed titles, which means the only scrutiny he faces are internal and hidden from sight of gamers and partners.

In Peter’s defense, just think about all the social and administrative challenges a 2-4 year programming marathon represents. Think of all those collisions that can occur within a small team during 4 years of working together. Arguments, disagreements, counter-productive slander, people quitting, people giving up on the project, illness ranging from the common cold  to on-set depression. And that’s just human side of things! Now add to this administrative challenges, shareholder meetings, advertising, press released and more. it’s a pretty daunting list of work. And this is before we throw in technical challenges and the actual coding process.


What I feel is lacking from this debate is a fair dose of trust. Peter has delivered so much software over the years that, I find it hard to believe that he would suddenly fail in doing something he has been doing for 20 years.

Trust should also be boosted by the fact that the mobile version is already out and can be bought right now, and you can even check out the pre-release on Steam.

I think that Peter made a huge mistake in his time-to-market analysis, no doubt there — but cutting his head off and turning this into a “scandal” of epic proportion is utter rubbish. It’s a game company who over-shot their release by 12 months, it’s not the end of the world. Heck, some popular titles have been 5 years in the making (2 years overdue), so this is not something new.

I for one believe in Peter. I think he will deliver — and to be frank I don’t care how he delivers, as long as he keeps his promise. Had we been talking 2-3 years overdue, then I would be disappointed, but he is only human.

Final words

Peter Molyneux is a creative human being. He is a dreamer, and like all good dreamers he spends most of the day inside his own head. Like the great thinkers of our time and the past, he is in love with the reality of thoughts and ideas.

What can appear as jumping from one idea to another, changing focus rapidly, is actually how some people navigate the creative world. This is a challenge for all programmers. You start out with one idea, this idea suddenly attract better ideas along the same lines — and before you know it, you have arrived at “a much better idea”.

This is how great things are made, by people who travel around the inner-inner reality of creativity. If you are not creative yourself, then you probably wont understand what i’m talking about.

The real scandal here is that this creative process has been exposed to the public, and trying to explain these creative discussions in financial terms can be.. well, it seems whimsical where it’s really rock solid.

I feel sad for the people who orchestrates these public witch-hunts. It’s always the same – watching a “public trial” where the verdict is decided upon long before the trial starts.

Sure, Peter should have been more professional in this matter, but he has apologized for this (ad nauseum) so why people feel they must continue to grind the bones for months on-end — well it’s just fucking stupid.

So cheer up Peter, I know you’ll get the job done. And done properly.

Keyboard input for Smart Mobile Studio

February 14, 2015 Leave a comment

Smart Mobile Studio provides a rich and well planned out RTL. However, the RTL does take for granted that you do know you way around HTML and that you write more hands-on code than some may be comfortable with.

One question I often get is “Why doesnt the KeyDown and KeyUp events work”. Well, they do! But the law of HTML5 is that no element can accept input (or have focus) without a tabindex being set first. And since many of the standard controls that ship with the RTL dont expect keyboard input (or need keyboard input for that matter), the key-target value was not set by default.

So the solution to why the keyboard event(s) don’t fire on your TW3Panels and other containers (including forms) is quite simply that. Here is how you get keyboard events working in your form:

procedure TForm1.InitializeForm;

  // Set the key-down event
  OnKeyDown:=Procedure (sender:TObject;Key:Integer)

  // set the key-up event
  OnClick:=procedure (sender:TObject)
    if visible then

  // this makes the form a key-event target

Note: In the next update of Smart Mobile Studio, all TW3CustomControls initialize the tabindex automatically, so by default all controls will be initialized to accept keyboard input.

Decomposing multiplications, Egyptian Style

February 13, 2015 Leave a comment
The eye of Horus

The eye of Horus

Ever wanted a function that takes a number and breaks it down? For instance, let’s say someone types in 1924, wouldn’t it be great if you could quickly and easily generate how to sum up that number? Which in this case is 4 + 128 + 256 + 512 + 1024 = 1924. Not the function you use on a daily basis, I know – but still a cool feature to have.

Egyptian mathematics

The Egyptians that built the pyramids were clever people. For instance, they had two alphabets (one religious and one secular) and they also had two multiplication methods. They also had a number for everything in nature, which made it possible for them to calculate resonance even more accurately than we do now (because every sound also had a number, so matching number, material and sound is easy enough). Every single stone in the Amun temple is carved to fit a number and a shape — and the temple itself is built as a duplicate of the human body (with the holy-of-holies where the pineal gland is positioned. Thats where Alexander the great was buried, in Luxor). So these guys knew a lot of cool stuff that we have forgotten or never even investigated.

But back to their way of multiplying numbers. Their most common way to doing this was simply called “summing up”. And it goes a little something like this:

Let’s say you want to find the solution to: “9 * 13”. What the Egyptians did was to first create a table where they double-up to reach the closest match to “9”, like this:


Then they created a second row, where they doubled 13, which is our multiplier:

1  ..  13
2  ..  26
4  ..  52
8  ..  104

With these two tables written as above, they then made a checkmark on the numbers which, when you add them together from the left table, makes 9. In this case that is #1 and #8.

1  ..  13 —
2  ..  26
4  ..  52
8  ..  104 —

To get the correct answere to “9 * 13” all you have to do is to add the checked numbers together from the right table. Which means that the correct answer is 13 + 104 = 117. Pretty cool right?

Use the binary force

You may have noticed that the left-side table is actually plain old binary. So yes, the ancient Egyptians actually invented (or discovered) binary. But it also means that we can use ordinary bit testing to figure out how to turn a number into an equation. We simply check the bits in the integer value and then sum up from the generated right-side table.

Here it is, written in Smart Pascal (Smart Mobile Studio):

  QTX_BITS:  Array[0..12] of Integer =
    ( 1,
      4096); //..Fill in the rest here, 32 bits in an integer

  w3button1.OnClick:=Procedure (sender:Tobject)
      mValue: Integer;
      x:  integer;
      mTotal: Integer;

      var mStack:Array of String;

      for x:=0 to 31 do
        if TInteger.getBit(x,mValue) then
          writeln('Bit #' + x.toString + ' = ' + QTX_BITS[x].toString);
        end else
        writeln('Bit #' + x.toString + ' = ' + '------');
        if QTX_BITS[x]>=mValue then

      writeln(' ');
      if mStack.length>0 then
        for x:=mStack.low to mStack.high do
          if x>mStack.low then
          writeln(' + ' + mStack[x]) else
          writeln('   ' + mStack[x]);
        Writeln(' = ' + mTotal.toString);

When you run this, providing the number 1924, it breaks it down and gives you the following output:

Bit #0 = ------
Bit #1 = ------
Bit #2 = 4
Bit #3 = ------
Bit #4 = ------
Bit #5 = ------
Bit #6 = ------
Bit #7 = 128
Bit #8 = 256
Bit #9 = 512
Bit #10 = 1024
Bit #11 = ------

Adding up:
+  128
+  256
+  512
+ 1024
= 1924

Turning this into a neat little function should be easy enough for anyone. And I’m fairly sure that it can be re-factored into something even more impressive, using simple addition and multiplication, like: “4 + (32 * 4) + (128 * 2) + 512 + ( 32 * 32)” making your string output look incredibly smart and clever.

The final product

Having played around with this code, and also fixed two typo’s in this post, I sat down and cleaned the code up. Here is the final function. It returns a string giving you the numbers to add in order to produce the final outcome:

The final outcome in action

The final outcome in action

function QTX_GetNumberProducer(aNumber:Integer):String;
  QTX_BITS:  Array[0..31] of Integer =
  ( 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048,
    4096, 8192, 16384, 32768, 65536, 131072, 262144, 524288,
    1048576, 2097152, 4194304, 8388608, 16777216, 33554432,
    67108864, 134217728, 268435456, 536870912, 1073741824,
  x:      Integer;
  mStack: Array of String;
  if aNumber>0 then
    for x:=QTX_BITS.low to QTX_BITS.high do
      if TInteger.getBit(x,aNumber) then
      if QTX_BITS[x]>=aNumber then

    if mStack.length>0 then
      result:=aNumber.toString + ' = ';
      for x:=mStack.low to mStack.high do
        if x>mStack.low then
        result += '+' + mStack[x] else
        result += mStack[x];
  end else

And as a bonus I added this:

Function QTX_GetNumberMultiplier(aFirst,aSecond:Integer):String;
  result:=aFirst.toString + ' x ' + aSecond.toString +' = '
    + QTX_GetNumberProducer(mSum);

The last snippet produces an output like this. Which can be handy for children when learning to multiply (or confuse them utterly, whatever works):

A bit of fun for the kids

A bit of fun for the kids

Plotting angles in Object Pascal

February 12, 2015 Leave a comment

From time to time someone hears that I’m a software engineer, and immediately they add to the conversation “oh you must be so good at mathematics, I suck at Maths”. I wish! In fact my math skills are ordinary at best. Like most creative individuals I tend to only learn something when I really need it. And sadly this was a personality trait even in highschool so I had a hard time surviving Math classes (or the teachers had a hard time dealing with me is more precise, I got expelled for beating up two of them).

The result is that whenever I face a trigonometry problem, I really am the mercy of the internet and friends. So I have decided to do something about this. I mean, I am 41 years of age after all. So off I go to to order a “trig for dummies” book, as I scavenger my son’s math curriculum for clues 🙂

Why trig?

From what I understand, programmers seem to be divided in two groups; The first group believes angular calculations is a waste of time and should be avoided if you can, because interpolation delivers more or less the same results but at a fraction (pun intended) of the cpu cost. The second group like to apply “real world maths” onto the flat landscape of Our cardassian coordinate system, which costs more but tend to deliver accurate results down to the last pixel.

The problem for a person who doesn’t really know that much about trigonometry, is that: if you don’t know how to do it properly, then you can’t possibly know how to derive an alternative. In other words, how can I write code which yields the same results if I have no clue about either Method?

Oh, and I’m on a new PC which uppercases every single word by force, so if this post looks a mess – that’s why. Windows 8.1 is just the gift that keeps on giving..

Hands on stuff

Imagine for a second that you want to create a shooting game. You have a top-down view of a battlefield and some mini-soldiers running around at your command. Whenever you click an enemy on the map, your soldiers should attempt to get within range of the enemy, and then start shooting. But that doesnt mean every single shot actually hit’s the target.

What if the sniper misses? Where does the bullet go?

What if the sniper misses? Where does the bullet go?

Now shooting “in a direction” is not as easy as it sounds. If your soldier is positioned at 100,100 on-screen – and your target is at 260,49 “or there about”, it wouldn’t be much of a game if your soldier hits the target every single time. Also, the enemy soldier will be moving away from the hit-zone and shoot back.

Another thing to consider is the strength of the weapon. The bullet should, when missing it’s target, continue on its trajectory. It doesn’t fall dead to the floor when it reaches the x2,y2 region of the map.

So how do we calculate such a shot?

Well, in my head the first thing that came up was:

  • Find the angle at which the enemy is positioned (pt2) from the soldier (pt1)
  • Calculate a path from p1 THROUGH p2, continuing forever; Affected by speed, wind, resistance and the size of the map

Naturally the calculation of the path should not be “pre calculated”, that was just the first way for me to approach the problem. All games have a main-loop and each element on the screen is only slightly updated per-frame. When this happens very fast the game comes to life.


Using interpolation means that you update the position of the bullet by fractions. More or less dividing the total difference between start and stop into smaller “chunks” –and then iterating through these steps until you reach the goal. This allows us to calculate an array of TPointF (floating point x,y record) which goes from start-position towards the end-position. Should it miss the target it will simply continue past the original target co-ordinate and ultimately go out of sight. At which point the game-engine can choose to either just drop the sprite object all together, or allow it to continue without being rendered until it’s velocity results in a halt (or you hit something else). At which point it should also be eliminated from the update-loop).

This would be a quick and dirty interpolated Version (thanks for the example Primoz!):

function TForm1.BuildList(x1,y1,x2,y2:float):Array of TPointF;
  x:    Integer;
  mlen: Integer;
  (* Single point? *)
  if (x1=x2) and (y1=y2) then
  end else
    (* Add start point *)

    (* Calculate axis length.
       Note:  This controls the amount of distance you
       expand from the original position towards the target *)
    mlen:= round( (abs(x1-x2) + abs(y1-y2))  );

    (* calculate mid-part *)
    for x:=1 to mLen do
      x1 + x/100 * (x2-x1),
      y1 + x/100 * (y2-y1)

    (* Add end-point *)

Please note that this is just quick and dirty code. It pre-calculates a given path from X1,Y1 through X2,y2; which is not something you want to use in a game. There you want to have fast and small calculations per item which is repeated in sync With the screen-redraw.

But this solves my problem quite elegantly: being able to derive a position through a general direction.

Using angles

Angles are different, here I can use the initial idea on how to solve it: namely to first get the angle Pt2 is in conjunction With Pt1 – and then calculate a path through that angle.

function AngleOfLine(const P1, P2: TPointF): Double;
  Result := RadToDeg(ArcTan2((P2.Y - P1.Y),(P2.X - P1.X)));
  if Result < 0 then
  Result += 360;

function TForm1.BuildList(x1,y1,x2,y2:float):Array of TPointF;
  Angle:  Float;
  start,stop:  TPointF;
  x:  Integer;
  //build and add starting point

  //build end-point record

  //Get angle of PT2 in context With PT1

  //Generate 100 Points along angle
  for x:=1 to 100 do
    X2 := X1 + X * COS(DegToRad(Angle));
    Y2 := Y1 + X * SIN(DegToRad(Angle));


Classifying it

Right, with those two Experiments behind me, I took the time to extract what I have learned into a record which represents a position. This record has functions which allows you to update the position using a next() mechanism – so you can quickly update a bunch of bullets in a main-game-loop.

This allows us to not only keep track of the position, but also to calculate the next step with a single call. Turning this into a class, or using it as a property of a “bullet” class should be easy enough later.

  TQTXPosition = record
    Start:            TPointF; //Where the bullet is shot from
    Target:           TPointF; //Where the bullet is shot towards
    Position:         TPointF; //Current position of bullet
    Iterator:         Integer; //iterator value
    DistanceToTarget: Float;   //Approx distance between start and target

    function  Beyond:Boolean;

    function  Next:TPointF;
    function  Create(x1,y1,x2,y2:Float):TQTXPosition;overload;
    function  Create(aStart,aTarget:TPointF):TQTXPosition;overload;

// TQTXPosition

function TQTXPosition.Create(x1,y1,x2,y2:Float):TQTXPosition;

  result.DistanceToTarget:= round((
  + abs(;

function TQTXPosition.Create(aStart,aTarget:TPointF):TQTXPosition;

  result.DistanceToTarget:= round((
  + abs(;

function TQTXPosition.Beyond:Boolean;
  result:=Iterator > DistanceToTarget;

function TQTXPosition.Next:TPointF;
  Position.X:= Start.x + Iterator/100 * (Target.x-Start.x);
  Position.Y:= Start.y + Iterator/100 * (Target.y-Start.y);

The “NeXT” function simply adds 1 to the iterating value, calculates the NeXT position, and Returns it. You may want to place this in a real class to make it more smooth to work With. The constructors allows you to define where to start and the target aim. The Beyond() function Returns true if the bullet has passed the target aim, and the DistanceToTarget Field represents the approx distance from start to aim.

Again, this is quick and dirty stuff – but for a novice in trig’ like myself it’s easier to understand the idea of “angle” as “slant towards” and radians as “reaching out towards a circumference”. Well, I just ordered my “for dummies” book and will hopefully get this under wraps. Special thanks to Eric, Primoz and Jørn for giving me extremely simple starter pointers and one-liner examples of various topics. Suddenly what used to be very booring at school is becoming exciting and useful as an adult 🙂

Never to old to learn new stuff!

Vector math’s is what seems to be the best way to solve most of this, so that’s on my list.

 Tip for teachers

There will always be young boys that hates theory. Most of these kids are visual and tend to approach problems by “seeing” them mentally, and as such pure theory is regarded (or experienced) as the most boring thing in the universe. But the same kids, often creative and inventive, loves video games!

So my tip for teachers who have students like that (or as wild as I was) is to try to find a context for knowledge that these kids can find useful. Had someone told me in school that I could use this to create games – I would have consumed the books as fast as i could, because coding games and demo’s was something I really loved doing.

In fact, co-sinus and sinus was something I got to grips with when coding a “sinus scroll text” at early high-school. But like all kids I was under the impression that adults had it wrong and we had nothing to learn from them.

So if you are a teacher, try to make math’s more interesting by connecting it with computer games and coding (if the pupil responds to that). Who knows, one of your worst pupils may turn out to be the one who actually uses what you taught decades lates 😉

Smart Mobile Studio: Null is not unassigned, and unassigned is NaN

February 5, 2015 Leave a comment

When I started the Smart Mobile Studio project I had medium knowledge of Javascript, meaning that I had not used it for many years. To me JavaScript was a toy, used for scrolltexts and popup’s. Smart Mobile Studio was born out of a full investigation into many different languages, and it was then I noticed that JavaScript had come of age and could finally support a full object-model and Delphi like OOP RTL.

But still, after all this time there are aspects of JavaScript that just bugs me. Not because they are stupid, but because something simple should – in effect – remain simple. Why take something simple, like datatypes, and introduce a third state?

Unassigned is not null

We all know Boolean values. They can either be TRUE or FALSE. But experienced programmers will also know, that there are cases in programming where a result is neither true nor false. For instance, if you have a function called “CheckDBConnection” that validates that you are indeed connected to your database server — but suddenly a system exception occurs somewhere in the middle, before you can determine if the connection is valid or invalid, what value should you return?

In such a scenario it’s best to default the whole function to false, in fact I would start by setting the result to false and only report true after everything checks out. This is called pessimistic discrimination. Positive discrimination is when you write your code with the world-view that everything will be ok. You ignore stuff like faulty disks, memory leaks and other acts of God (or nature, or darwin or whatever you subscribe to) and just focus on the good stuff.

But if we are to be truthful and have a datatype meant to reflect real-life-states, then boolean would either have to be altered with a third state ( TRUE, FALSE and UNKNOWN) or we would need a whole new datatype.


Under JavaScript all variables, be they intrinsic or not, can have a third state, namely the unassigned state. This also means that NULL, which we like to believe is the same as NIL in pointer based languages, actually is a value. It’s not the same as zero which is a number by nature. Null means “I have no value, but at least we are talking about values”, while Unassigned means “I dont even know what a value is, let alone what I am supposed to contain”.

  • Null is NIL to a language which supports VOID
  • Void is null to a language without NIL
  • Unassigned in void to a language which supports null

Annoyed yet? This means that testing even the most simple stuff in JavaScript requires a couple of extra steps to deliver the goods. For instance, in the QTX helper code you will find these snippets:

function TQTXVarHelper.IsObject:Boolean;
    @result = ((@self) !== undefined)
      && (typeof @self !== null)
      && (typeof @self  === "object")
      && ((@self).length === undefined);

function TQTXVarHelper.IsArray:boolean;
    @result = ((@self) !== undefined)
      && (typeof @self !== null)
      && (typeof @self === "object")
      && ((@self).length !== undefined);

function TQTXVarHelper.IsUnassigned:Boolean;
    @result = (typeof @self === undefined);

Notice that the check code to see if a JS variable is an object ( a = { } ) or if it’s an array ( a = [] ) are identical. Why? Because they both register as an object. The only way to tell them apart is by checking if a length() function exists which only arrays have.

Also notice that undefined is checked before NULL, because if an array is undefined, JS will throw an exception when comparing it to NULL, which is a value (!)

It’s really best to code JavaScript before you are fully awake. I code my best stuff between my first cup of coffee and having my morning shower..

TQTXReader and TQTXWriter for Smart Mobile Studio

February 3, 2015 Leave a comment

Storage has become a theme the past couple of weeks for Smart Mobile Studio. I have posted twice about the filesystem classes I have added to QTX, but I have also added more – much more! As you will see over the next weeks 🙂

Whenever you need to write or read data, you really end up with variants in HTML5. Javascript has this thing where everything is either an object (read: prototypical object) an array, or an intrinsic value. To make writing and reading named value pairs easier I have created two classes, cleverly called TQTXReader and TQTXWriter.

Propertybag's are fun!

Propertybag’s are fun!

The writer allows you to, well.. write into a buffer (managed by the class). Like this:

var mObj:=TQTXWriter.Create(null);

  CallCardLookup(mObj.Deserialize, procedure ()
      showmessage("Visa card is valid");

And TQTXReader does the exact same, but in reverse. The constructor can take a variant containing the information you want to read (stored with TQTXWriter) and extract info in the same way.

Practical uses

Loads! You can use it to tailor custom messages to be used with the spanking new message-api. That way you don’t have to fiddle with JObject based classes. Serialize() and Deserialize() are the methods for turning the data into a string and back again.

You can use it to avoid strictly typed records, which can be handy – especially for grid designs and/or “flexible” arrays of content. But please remember that Serialize() and Deserialize() are costly in terms of speed.

It’s also perfect to interface with JS libraries which expects name-value pairs in constructors and setup routines.

But word to the wise – if all you need is a one-shot wonder, then TQTXWriter is overkill. In such a case you can get away with an anonymous record:

  Fhandle.setupJS( record
     mouse  := "yes";
     startX := 100;
     startY := 100;

HTML5 Filesystem in Smart Mobile Studio

February 3, 2015 Leave a comment

Yesterday I presented a new QTX feature, namely a virtual filesystem which runs in your browser. In short it allows you to create files through an in-memory filesystem, which can then be stored in its totality in local-storage, global-storage or in a browser database.

Well today I can show you an example of how you use this. Here is a short teaser. Notice the use of anonymous records, which is really a fantastic feature of Smart Pascal.



      if mFile<>NIL then

        ( record
            id:= 12;
            text:= "this is awesome";
            cost:= 12.95

      end else
      writeln('invalid path');


Im not going to divulge to much about this code. Most Smart Pascal developers will understand what’s going on I believe. But in short:

  • mkdir() creates a folder, and returns the folder object
  • mkfile() creates a file and returns the file object
  • FindFileObject() takes a path and recursively drills down to locate the filesystem-object
  • WriteData() stores a variant value in a file
  • ReadData() returns the variant file-content

Since mkDir() and mkFile() returns the object, we can do fancy stuff like chaining make operands together:


But what about speed I hear you say? Well I had to re-code this twice, because like my friend Eric Grange pointed out the other day – JSON.Stringify() is extremely costly in terms of CPU and time. Which means that if every file object supports ISerializable it would take ages before the procedure returns (and then the browser drops the call).

So what I do now is that – when you call SaveTo() to store the full content of the filesystem, it generates a multi-layered array of records. It then calls JSON.Stringify and Deserialize the whole array in a single pass, which is blistering fast.

Note: Localstorage has a limit of some 15 megabytes or so (or was that 10?) so dont expect much. But if you want to store some data, perhaps a document or preferences, then is exactly what you need.

Storage galore

Let’s see what happens when we generate 1000 files with a short string as the content. We use TW3LocalStorage as the target medium. Here is a snapshot from Webkit that verifies that it’s been properly stored:

A filesystem on top of LocalStorage

A filesystem on top of LocalStorage

And here is the code which generates the folders and files (pretty neat stuff!):

  w3Button1.OnClick:=Procedure (sender:TObject)
    x:  Integer;
    mName:  String;
    mFileSystem:  TQTXFileSystem;
    mStore: TW3LocalStorage;


      for x:=1 to 1000 do
        mName:="file" + getNewID().toString() + ".txt";
        mFileSystem.mkfile(mName,"this is fantastic");


      showmessage("Data stored!");



Virtual Filesystem in Smart Mobile Studio

February 2, 2015 Leave a comment

Storage and HTML5, say what you will but it’s not exactly optimal. In essence storage can be reduced to “read everything, but unless you have special access rights, you cant touch a single file”. Well this is true, a hundred-fold for mobile developers.

In order to make things easy to work with QTX will introduce what is known as a virtual filesystem. In short it allows you to save X number of files, whatever they may be, into a single JSON serializable object. This object can then be stored either in local-storage, global-storage and even a database.

While it doesn’t change the fact that you can’t touch the filesystem from the browser, it will at least make it easy to generate and save data when your application runs. It will be especially useful for mobile development since phonegap removes the size limitations desktop browser enforce.

Also, making a “filesystem editor” program which allows you to create package files (think zip files here) which can be included with your smart applications as a resource — well, it wont be hard to achieve. And it doesnt violate any browser rules either, as long as you understand that you cant write to it, unless you store it in local-storage or some other browser friendly target that is.

Practical uses?

The core of the system is abstract, meaning that it can be made to read and write data to anything. Why not code an FTP client using web-sockets? Then a virtual filesystem class will be very handy indeed!

Or perhaps you want to interface with dropbox or your google drive? Again being able to plug a virtual filesystem on top of such a system can be valuable.

The code

If you want to check out the code, head over to google code and preview It’s still early in development but it will be finished quite soon.